I deliver a lesson about sexting or sending nudes to the Year 8s who are 13/14 years old.
We talk about why someone might send one and think about possible consequences. We also discuss who the consequences would affect-the person in the picture; the way friends and family would look at that person and the police if for some reason there was an investigation. Focusing on the consequences is intended to help them think carefully about future actions.
📱Pupils can find it hard to understand why the age of consent is 14 in Italy but they are seen as minors until 18. But they do understand that naked images of anyone under the age of 18 is considered child pornography by law and that the law is there to protect them. So circulating pictures is a definite no no!
👥To answer the question in the picture-I bounced that question back at them and they came to the conclusion that if someone under 10 was sending a picture you’d have to look closely at WHY. Could they have seen an older sibling do it? Are they being manipulated by someone to do it? Is something going on in the home?
👍We also mention that if consenting adults are sending nudes to each other then essentially that’s fine, as long as there is absolute trust there.
📲These are really great areas to explore with young teens in the hope that they will think twice if they ever get put in the position to send a nude or are ever thinking of sending one.
NOTE: as soon as you give a child a mobile it’s something you should be talking to them about 🗣